Saturday, 14 May 2011

Portrait - Anna & Sophia

I love the challenge of developing photos to a different brief and this portrait sitting is a perfect example of the way I truly love to take pictures...... the colours, flowers and smiley girls are right up my stylistic alley, big thumbs up to mum Michelle for letting me go for it. xx

Monday, 9 May 2011

Happy Mothers day to ME!!

Mother's Day has usually toast in bed served by my children so I was very touched this morning when Matt left me dusting crumbs off the duvet to buy an Ipad2 as a special Mother's Day present.  He returned an hour later with a lawnmower.  Apparently the Ipad2 has sold out the world over.  Anyway at least the lawns look fab and he's sound asleep after his big effort.  I'm sipping a Pinot Noir and ordering an Ipad2 online.  Here is my latest portrait sitting, the lovely Timms Family...

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