Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Portrait - Sophia & Nick

 Beautiful Children, Beautiful Home, Beautiful Mummy, what more can I say....this is the my perfect portrait experience!!! December was crazy busy for me this year and I managed to get a bit behind with all my postings and many of my shoots were xmas presents, I have just had a blissful 7 days off, before I continue with my wedding season, 2nd to last one of the year tomorrow - yay!!!!

Friday, 23 December 2011

Wedding - Gabrielle & Shaun

What happens when a brazillian meets a NZer, an explosion of colour and love, Gabrielle had her wedding themed by Dragonfly Productions, there was so many different colours and candy and flowers I was in heaven! The bride arrived in a helicopter and sang to her groom as she walked up the aisle, there wasnt a dry eye in the crowd - including me!!!

Monday, 5 December 2011

Portrait - Heidi, Darryl & Sienna Rose

Sienna Rose was the easiest newborn yet, she did everything she was supposed to, infact the whole family were so easy to photograph I just kept going, and when it came to editing it was really hard to choose as there were so many lovely photos...

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Fashion - Sisters Summer Collection

 Tropical poolside shoot was the theme, all was going to plan untill the storm of the year passed over, it actually ended up being a blessing in disguise as we got lovely sunflare and grumbling clouds...the best of both worlds for a photographer, this label called 'Sisters' is a local label designed and sold at Sisters in Mt Maunganui and Grange Road, Tga, you can also shop online!, big thankyou to Ridge Country Retreat in WelcomeBay for opening up their venue to us. Watch out for one of these pics in this months Uno Magazine.....

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